Thursday, February 14, 2019


Attendance:  Funk, Kelly, Roy, Winter, Tinker


When lesson planning-
Think about opportunities for students to apply learning to "why this matters to me".

Technology - make sure the technology is being used authentically and is infused into the lesson, not just a digital resource (i.e. online dictionary is not considered the best use of technology)

Funk - Using film in the social studies classroom - don't show the whole film, just use small clips, stop and do a turn and talk, require written components.

Winter - When showing a film, apply the learning to an application piece.  "How can I apply this to my life?  How can I apply this to the world today?, etc."

Content - Civil Rights unit, Local History.  Using Louisville instead of Little Rock 9.  Segregation in Louisville, Busing in Louisville, How Highways divide.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Civics PLC: Week of 1/22-1/25

Tuesday (1/22) 

Discussed toolbox for Kelly: what are some key ideas or ways to present information that are different or interesting for kids? 
Worked on 2 column notes as a PLC: We will be teaching them more often! Funk really likes them a lot. 

Thursday (1/24): 
Built up the Civics side of the English/Civics PBL. 
+ Created lesson plans for this week and learning targets: some ideas are still fairly flux
+Compared resources and decided to do Civics side as the debate/argument stuff. 
+Planned some ideas for observation of other classes. 

Civics this week is all about Kentucky and local states! 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Map Scores and Civics Correlations

Attendance:  Funk, Kelly, Tinker, Roy

In looking at MAP scores, teachers definitely saw a correlation between MAP scores and Civics tests Pass rate.

How can we use the MAP scores to differentiate instruction in the Social Studies Classroom
Suggestions Include:  Differentiated Reading, Flexible Grouping, Using the scores to create awareness of who to push into AP or close to AP. 

Funk sees that students struggle with retention more so that comprehension.   If she isn't there to provide "training wheels" during formative assessments, the students shut down or struggle.

Kelly is seeing improvement in his openings and exit slips.   He stopped using the folder method and is collecting the papers at the end of each day. 

Mr. Tinker tries several methods to turning in materials to motivate students.

Mr. Tinker is loving the 2-column notes method.  Give them time to write what the see in one column and process in the second column. 

Team will need books and resources (if new standards pass) about state and local history.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Civics PLC 1-10-19

Attendance:  Funk, Kelly, Tinker, Roy

Possible new standards, possible new classes - Economics, Local History, AA History
All depends on the vote next month.

Exploring teaching Civil Rights through Local Primary Sources - Local Louisville Civil Rights Unit.
Have students explore local activism.  Possible resource - website: Be a citizen

Addressing Amendment 14, Mohammad Ali, Clay Vs. US.   FT to the Mohammad Ali Center.

Teachers would like to explore how the Civil Rights impacted their lives today and incorporating writing into the lessons.
Options for student products - designing webpages, presentations, paper, (Great backpack opportunities).

Collaborative PBL  with English Department - Letters to Congressmen

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

PLC MINUTES 12/4 and 12/6|

PLC 12.4 & 12.6

Attendance: Funk, Kelly, Tinker

Our LTs are just a little bit off: Mr. Kelly is a bit ahead of Ms. Funk!

-> Kelly: showing The Congress documentary
-> Funk: executive orders mini project/presentation + take home quiz

-> Kelly: Gerrymandering
-> Funk: Legislative branch start

Giving a small open notes quiz Friday on the Executive Branch!

Discussed topics for next week:

M: Legislative
T: Legislative
W/R: Legislative
F: Baby Legislative quiz

World History: 

Thursday; Speed Dating
Friday: Louis XIV

Discussed topics for next week: more at next week's PLC.
All next week is French Revolution!

Finalized WH learning targets and discussed sophomore/junior conferences

M: (12/10) We will describe the causes of unrest in France against the monarchy.
T: (12/11) We will describe the events of the Tennis Court Oath & the Estates General.
R: (12/13) We will describe actions taken by the bourgeoisie and sans-culottes that led to the French Revolution.
F: (12/14) We will define the "Reign of Terror" and the impact it had on the French.

Finalized Civics learning targets:
M: We will identify the two parts of the legislative branch.
T: We will analyze the Constitution to find the powers of Congress.
W: We will describe the journey of a bill to a law.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

11/13 + 11/15 | PLC MINUTES

Tuesday 11/13 
* Wrapped up the Election Project
* Planned our new unit (Three Branches overview -> Executive Branch after Thanksgiving to End of Semester)

* Talked about Civics Test Final & World History general final

  • Giving the Civics Citizenship Test 2x: take the better of two scores for the Final 
  • Double bubble for grades? 
  • Discussed how to review for the finals; shared different techniques for reviewing for major tests and what might work the best with our students 

Thursday 11/15 
*Briefly reviewed the meeting contents of earlier in the week 
*Discussed the DBQ: it's going well for both Kelly and Funk! 
*Talked about "my favorite no" technique for working with thesis statements
*Deciding on curving the final; use of gradecam for the final 
*Covered failures/making a fail list/intervention 

*Formal/informal powers of the Presidency 

Monday, November 5, 2018

11/5 Gold Day Minutes

Gold Day Minutes

Set final schedule for election project: Project will end Tuesday. 
Begin Executive Unit starting block day!

Talked through logistics for the rest of the project
*Debate prep questions -> combed through them for accuracy and relevance and prepared for Wednesday.
*Set election values and grading: decided to meet and talk about what does and doesn't work in PBL as it finishes
*Adding in clout and travel committees for next year?
*Also next year; working on gearing towards specific issues (unions/policy for industrial, healthcare for medical)